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CommUnity Conversation: Pathways to Recovery Featuring Celebrate Recovery

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It is your recovery. Find the support that fits you.
A commUnity conversation with Ana Gopoian, TriCircle, and Tonia Warner, CR Recovery (VT). Two women in long-term recovery dedicated to helping others find their pathway.  CR programs featured in this conversation.

hi and welcome to community conversation my name is Ana Gopoian. I am the founder executive director of TriCircle a nonprofit helping individuals families and communities affected by addiction. With me today I have the pleasure of introducing Tonia Warner, of Celebrate Recovery. Tonia says:  "as we say is that I'm a grateful believer in Jesus Christ I celebrate 11 years of opioid addiction from childhood trauma and I work on abandonment and control issues fantastic I'm so grateful to meet you nice to meet you yeah it's not the first time I've heard about celebrate recovery

Ana: I'm happy to say that our organization has had your CR hyperlink for  information on TriCircle's website for years now. Because I just think it's strength our options and choices.  I too am in long-term recovery July 13th 1995. I always say I'm going out sideways with skid marks for all the people that told me I couldn't.

Tonia: I like to say that God drags me Kicking and Screaming sometimes because I don't want to go somewhere face something all the time.  It gets easier but you should know like even with the Serenity Prayer right isn't the end is where we're supposed to believe in the fact that you know it's the wisdom to know the difference right.  I believe we don't have to kick and scream as much no he's in control in our world the one biggest difference.  

We do use the 12 steps and Biblical scripture to go with those steps. We acknowledge that Jesus is our higher power that's getting us through to heal us. He is totally in control of everything. 

Ana: I'm glad you found something that works for you. That is the beauty in the steps no matter what program.

 We, TriCircle,  started engaging with folks and trained facilitators with Smart Recovery. There is no denomination of a higher power. It's evidence-based there's just different practices in a curriculum which Celebrate Recovery it's basically a curriculum which is paralleled with the Bible.

Tonia: Celebrate Recovery is for all Hurts Habits and Hang-Ups and so you know the hurts are the things that have been done to us in our lives you know that hurt our hearts and those things end up leading to our Hang-Ups and how we think and feel about ourselves about God other people and they lead to our habits. That's my story, childhood trauma.  Listen to hear learn more.