As Told Here | More than TV | WPAA-TV
Welcome to 'As Told Here' conversations and stories shared in the public interest from studioW at WPAA-TV and Community Media Center Wallingford CT. 'As Told Here' brings community media to where you are.Thanks to our local producers and Team Hercules for production support. Featuring Community Media shows including the award-winning 'MidLife Matters' hosted by Georgian Lussier, #CitizenMike - since 2010 - commentary and interviews on political or government-related topics hosted by Mike Brodinsky, 'Out Of The Dark'- Looking at Mental Health through the practiced eyes of the Therapy Twins, and HumanKindBoth Exploring the Middle Path known for conversations among strangers.
As Told Here | More than TV | WPAA-TV
Ubuntu Storytellers 'School Daze'
Ubuntu Storytellers, an ensemble of experienced black, brown, and biracial performers tell stories of “being” as well as of “being in the skin we’re in.” You will hear personal stories that reflect our joys, triumphs, and disappointments. Poignant stories, funny stories. Stories of being human. You will also hear stories about encounters with racism, prejudice, and microaggression. Often one story encompasses both realities.
On the 4th Tuesday of the month beginning April 25th, 2023 members of the Ubuntu Storytellers troupe present stories aligned with a theme at studioW.
Amy Joy Myers
The Blasphemer
Jezrie Marcano-Courtney
Grandma Ruth and Blackie
Laconia Therrio
20/20 Vision
Denise Keyes Page
Ty Fance
This is a WPAA-TV at studioW production.
#diversity #inclusion #equity #antiracism #ubuntu #wpaatv